Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a relatively common psychological problem, whose symptoms may include excessive hand-washing or other cleansing rituals, extreme slowness, compulsive checking of tasks performed, or repugnant, intrusive thoughts. In this book, the authors draw on their extensive clinical experience to give a lucid accounr of the nature of obsessive-compulsive behaviour. The book is intended both for those who have this disorder and for their families and friends. It is full of up-to-date information about the nature, symptoms, types, causes, treatments, and theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The authors look at the full range of therapies available, and provide invaluable practical advice for those who may need help. Numerous case histories are given throughout the book, highlighting various aspects of OCD and its treatment. New to this edition are extensive new sections on compulsive hoarding, obsessive slowness, and obsessive-compulsive behaviour in children. Both authors are clinical psychologists who have extensive clinical and research experience in this field.